Little Spot Productions
We add beauty to the world.
Audio Restoration and Digital Transfer Services
Ever have this happen: You are going through your music collection and you find an old LP that was an absolute classic? Or a cassette that someone recorded of a concert (yes, we know that is illegal - wink, wink!) but now you don't have a record turntable or cassette deck?
Do you find yourself wishing for a way to bring these media over into digital storage for your iPod or other media device?
Enter Little Spot Productions, because we offer analogue to digital media transfer services!
Here's how it works: You contact us with the information of what you wish done. You then can bring or mail your media to us (pack carefully!) and we will do the rest. We will transcribe your precious recording to digital format - on CD, and / or any digital file format you wish, like mp3, wav, ogg -- you name it. We then send you back your original material (again lovingly packed), along with your shiny new (or maybe just beautiful black) digital media.
But you don't have to stop there. Is your original recording degraded? Or perhaps you have a noisy recording that you wish you could "clean up" so that you could hear it clearly? What about an extremely important presentation or speech that had great information and a lot of unpleasant room noise? No problem! We can usually restore and enhance the material you send us. In many cases, we may be able to improve it to like-new quality. Our process can find and remove annoying clicks, pops and other noises to a great extent, and we can also, in many cases, eliminate tape background hiss without impacting the quality of the recorded media. In fact, this last process often results in a greatly improved sound, even better than new!
We accept digital media files of virtually all types, from .wav to .mp3, to .ogg and .m4a! Got something unusual? Ask us!
Contact us to find out what we can do for you!