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Do you have old messy sheet music?

We see it all the time, old, torn, messy scores, some with sloppy handwriting, some with poor editing, and even some great scores that are just fading away on old paper. 


We can help! Little Spot Productions offers typesetting services. We can engrave new copies of your precious sheet music scores accurately, beautifully, and quickly, In fact, the very background you see on this page is taken from one of our scoring projects. Our scores are made into crystal clear PDF files, and if you wish, we can even send you the master files (in Musescore and soon, Finale), for your own reference or adjustments, or if you wish to ask us for more work on any given files at a later time.


Additionally, for a fee, we can archive your files in our library, keeping them available for you in case you need new copies or revisions of existing works.


Our cost schedule is simple and based around the standard of four-part vocal (SATB or TTBarB scores)


Metered four-part music:                                          $3.50 / system

Unmetered (recitative or chant) four-part music:             $4.00 / system


(If the original music is with very poor readability, we may charge a little more for the time taken to deal with this, usually about 0.50 higher than base prices.)


Multi-part and multi-instrument score estimates available upon request.


Here below on the left is an original score. On the right is the same score typeset by Little Spot Productions!



© 2014 by Little Spot Productions. Proudly created with 

Tel: 1-719-207-8806 (US, Skype), +7-926-135 8736 (Russian Federation or direct from anywhere)

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